Subscription to the Manifesto
The subcription to the Manifesto expresses the agreement of a person or of an organization (association...) with its text, and allows this agreement to be made public; it implies no other obligation.
To subscribe to the Manifesto:
- print the form below:
- if you are an individual, use the first form;
- if you represent an organization, use the second form;
- fill in the form and mail it to:
Manifesto for the Abolition
of International Apartheid
c/o Y. Bonnardel, 20 rue Cavenne
69007 Lyon, France
Form for individual subscriptions
I publicly subscribe to the Manifesto for the Abolition of International Apartheid.
First name: | Second (family) name: |
Addresse: |
Date: | Signature: |
Optional data: |
| Occupation: | Nationality: |
| Eventually check: |
| o I am willing to participate in the Committees for support to the Manifesto. |
| | Tel.: | Fax: |
| E-mail: |
| o I am willing to contribute financially to the publication of the Manifesto. |
Form for subscription of an organization
The organization: |
publicly subscribes to the Manifesto for the Abolition of International Apartheid. |
Addresse: |
Tel.: | Fax: |
E-mail: |
Date: | Signature: |
Qualification of the signator (Chairperson...) : |